This group of islands, which have since been joined together by a series of reclamations, formed part of the kingdom of Ashoka, the famous Emperor of India. After, his death The Hindu rulers took these islands into their power till 1343, and then the Mohammedans took the power and ruled for 2 years. Later Portuguese were ruling the city with many trading centers in Daman, Diu and they constructed many churches in the city. St. Andrew’s church at Bandra reminds the Portuguese-style architecture church.

Dorabji Nanabhoy is the first Parsi to enter Bombay in the year 1640, they are hailed from Iran. They did to save their religion, Zoroastrianism, from invading Arabs who proselytized Islam.

The first British Governor of the islands was Sir George Oxenden who made Bombay famous by attracting Gujarati traders, Parsi ship-builders, and Muslim and Hindu manufacturers from the mainland. The linking roads of Bombay were at Worli, Mahim, and Mahalaxmi turned the ground between the islands into swamps making Bombay an Unhygienic place at that time.

Sir Robert Grant ruled the Bombay from 1835 to 1838 and was responsible for the construction of a number of roads between Bombay and the hinterland. A good drainage system was also constructed at the same time.

One of the famous stock exchanges over the decades was The Native Share and Stockbrokers Association in 1875. Even after the Tokyo Stock exchange started in the year 1878 didn’t gain its popularity against the Native Share and it is known as the oldest stock exchange in India.

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